Get A New Best Friend Today

Our aim is to breed exceptional quality Puppies for sale that are healthy with superb temperaments

Welcome To Omar Dachshunds.


At our home  our passion simply brings out the best puppies, We embrace the entire embodiment of the breeds: the compact , the family friendly personality, and the loving companionship. This passion and quality for excellence is seen through our   Puppies  for sale.

Get A New Best Friend Today!

A dog is a big commitment, so before you take the plunge, make sure you’re all together on wanting this newest member of the family. Then decide who’s going to be the primary caretaker–otherwise you’ll spend lots of time arguing while your new dog stares at his empty food bowl. To avoid confusing the pup, hammer out the house rules ahead of time (will the dog be allowed on the bed? On the couch? Where will the dog sleep? Are any rooms of the house permanently off-limits?).

My family and I drove to the airport to get our new pup, a male Cane Corso puppy. Not only is he adorable, he slept through the night the first night, and already pays attention to commands. He is a top quality pup and is going to be so easy to train!
Got my girl two weeks ago and I am very pleased with her. She’s full of energy and love. I would definitely buy from Crystal Puppies again. She is in excellent health, up to date on her shots and a very well adjusted puppy.
Love Our Puppy! Oscar, our gorgeous Dachshund is a wonderful addition to our family. We adore him. He is super sweet. Thank you for a wonderful job you in breathing healthy, smart, beautiful, adoring pets.
We picked our puppy 2 weeks ago. He is the sweetest boy. Our experience picking him up from Crystal Puppies was great. They provided all the essentials we need for the puppy. I would definitely recommend.
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